Learn About Papahanaumokuakea

Located in the historic Koehnen Building in downtown Hilo, you’ll find a portal to another, virtually untouched locale in the Pacific Ocean, rife with vibrant sea life. MOKUPAPAPA DISCOVERY CENTER brings the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands to life. The center tells the story of the science, history and culture of MARINE NATIONAL MONUMENT PAPAHĀNAUMOKUĀKEA through audio and interactive exhibits, artwork, models and more.

Visitors are transported via displays that bring the complex beauty and importance of Papahānaumokuākea to life — hear the KUMULIPO, Hawaiian creation chant, then VIEW AN INTERACTIVE MAP of the islands that depict the wildlife found in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. There are models of some of the wildlife and a 3,500-GALLON SALTWATER AQUARIUM containing some of the corals and fi sh found there. This bay front center, located at 76 Kamehameha Ave. in Hilo, serves to “bring the place to the people.”

The center is also home base for Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park rangers, who are on-hand to serve visitors, Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Go to papahanaumokuakea.gov or call 808-498-4709.