Sneak A Kiss At Romantic Locales

With sunsets over the ocean, toes dipped in tide pools, balmy breezes and an all-around tropical vibe, it’s hard for anything not to feel romantic on the islands. But there’s no such thing as too much of a good thing, right? In case you want that extra-special moment to top off a romantic day, here’s a list of the most romantic spots to KISS AROUND KAUA‘I:

1. Watching the sun sink into the ocean and the stars come out at Hanalei Pier

2. Perched on the rim of Waimea Canyon at sunrise

3. In a hammock under an ironwood tree at Waimea Plantation Cottages

4. Under a full moon in the glow of the Princeville Resort at Hideaway Beach

5. While renewing your vows at the Fern Grotto

6. In the air over the mysterious Forbidden Island while on a helicopter tour

7. While paddling kayaks through the clear ocean water off the Nāpali Coast

8. Listening to a slack-key guitar performance

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