Picnic at an Arboretum

KauaiLand Diversions

If you’re looking for an ideal spot for a family outing, you’d be hard-pressed to beat the KEĀHUA ARBORETUM . Not so much a classic arboretum as a much- loved SWIMMING HOLE fed by a rushing mountain stream, Keāhua Arboretum is a great place for a PICNIC , a splash in the stream or quiet contemplation.

Just past the WAILUA RESERVOIR , the 30-acre arboretum comes into view as a stream spills over the pavement, which ends and transforms from a rough, unimproved road into wilderness. The arboretum is located approximately 8 miles inland from the WAILUA RIVER . Drive on Kuamo‘o Road (Highway 580) through Wailua Homesteads, heading mauka (toward the mountains).

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