Traverse a Zoo in a Rainforest

Beyond the CityBig Island

Known as the ONLY TROPICAL RAINFOREST ZOO IN THE UNITED STATES , Hilo’s PANA‘EWA RAINFOREST ZOO & GARDENS is a 12-acre habitat and botanical garden, where numerous animals, reptiles, monarch butterflies and birds, some of which are native only to Hawai‘i, call home.

See GIANT ANTEATERS from South America and BINTURONGS (Asian bear cats) from Southeast Asia. Also in residence are TWO-TOED SLOTHS and GREEN IGUANAS from South America, a miniature cow (ZEBU) from India and WIDE-EYED LEMURS from Madagascar. Feral pigs nest in a stone abode, as do whistling ducks. Native Hawaiian animal life includes Hawaiian gallinules, pueo (owls), ‘io (hawks) and Hawai‘i’s state bird, the nēnē goose. The zoo is open daily (except for Christmas and New Year’s Day), is located on Highway 11, about 4 miles south of Hilo. Visit for updated hours and information.

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