Go Scuba or Snuba Diving

KauaiSea Adventures

Beneath the waters that lap Kaua‘i’s shores, a marine environment is teeming with a rich store of secrets available only to folks who find ways to get down under. One way of doing so is strapping on an oxygen tank, which allows scuba divers to explore living coral reefs and sea caves, as well as spot large varieties of exotic fish.

Kaua‘i’s water temperatures are ideal for SCUBA DIVING , as they range from 72 degrees Fahrenheit in winter to the low 80s in summer, and visibility is generally good. There are a number of popular and easily accessible scuba sites around the island. SHERATON CAVERNS off Po‘ipū are known for mythical ledges that go as deep as 60 feet, and are home to sea turtles, sharks and eels.

Check out SNUBA TOURS OF KAUA‘I at snubakauai.com. SNUBA TOURS OF KAUA‘I 808-823-8912 | SNUBAKAUAI.COM

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