Travel a Scenic Byway

Beyond the CityKauai

Hawai‘i has six offi cial “scenic byways” (designated as part of the National Scenic Byways Program), and Kaua‘i is home to one of them: HOLO HOLO KŌLOA SCENIC BYWAY .

These 19-plus miles travel the coastline of the world-class KŌLOA PLAIN and connect many of the island’s most culturally significant places and landmarks, including MALUHIA ROAD and its beautiful eucalyptus tree tunnel, the KŌLOA SUGAR MONUMENT and OLD KŌLOA TOWN, PRINCE KŪHIŌ PARK, NATIONAL TROPICAL BOTANICAL GARDENS, KEONELOA BAY, HĀ‘UPU MOUNTAIN , various heiau (temples) and other historic sites.

To get to the byway, go south on Kūhiō Highway (which becomes Kaumuali‘i Highway), and make a left onto Maluhia Road.

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