Tour a Famous Battleship

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USS MISSOURI secured its place in history as the site of Japan’s unconditional surrender to the United States that brought an end to Japanese involvement in WORLD WAR II . The formal papers were signed on the deck of the battleship Sept. 2, 1945.

The 887-foot battleship — 5 feet longer than the Titanic — is moored near the USS ARIZONA MEMORIAL . The pairing of the two battleships symbolizes the beginning and end of American involvement in WWII.

The “Mighty Mo” saw service in three wars spanning more than fidve decades; its fidnal operational mission occurred Dec. 7, 1991, when she sailed into Pearl Harbor and took part in the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the attack.

Now available for visits as the BATTLESHIP MISSOURI MEMORIAL

it’s open daily 8 a.m.-4 p.m. SPECIAL TOUR & ACTIVITIES 808-931-6005 USS MISSOURI 877-644-4896

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