Go Snuba Diving

MauiSea & Air Adventures

SNUBA is a SHALLOW-WATER DIVE SYSTEM that bridges the gap between snorkeling and scuba diving. It’s not as rigorous and time-consuming as learning to scuba dive but is more adventurous than snorkeling. Air is supplied by a scuba tank that is attached to a float on the surface of the water, allowing divers to go at their own pace. Experienced divers lead tours, and most people can learn in 90 minutes. To begin, check out tours by companies like PRIDE OF MAUI (prideofmaui.com) in Wailuku, AQUA ADVENTURE (mauisnorkelsnuba.com) and FOUR WINDS II (fourwindsmaui.com), and ask your concierge where to snuba nearby.

FOUR WINDS II 808-879-8188 OR 808-736-5740

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